Thursday, December 25, 2008
I opened a gift and finally I got a Sherbet Bunny! The Sherbet Bunny's name is Valerie and the Pegasus is named Rainbow! Also, they are wearing KinzStyle clothes (except the Kilt Skirt, you buy it in the W Shop!)
Happy Holidays!
Brittany and my Sherbet Bunny!
Merry Christmas!
If you can't see the names, here they are: Cheesey, Fishy, Kate, Tangerine, Blizzy, Stinky, Valerie, Rainbow, and Flower!
Merry Christmas!
P.S. WOW! I am a lucky collector of 125 Webkinz!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Annoucement-New background on Webkinz!
What happened to my KinzCash?
Just leave me a comment of what I should do and I will anser back to you!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Vacation Lucky
The KinzCash can let me buy more stuff!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Christmas Time's almost here!
Remember, the kinzclothes tshirts are only avaliable in select stores where they sell Webkinz! And remember to call the number on your phone to make sure the store sells them!
Bye and I have to stop now!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Brown Cow Pictures!!!
The tree is only if you get Webkinz Ornaments and very special and see how I decorated it? The top is an angel Golden Retriever (NOT Spaniel) and O love to decorate christmas trees! But at home you put candy canes, yum and if you have a brother or sister that didnt celebrate christmas, this is their 1st time because they are little babies! Don't forget on December 23rd is a Christmastime Shoutout Party in the Rare and Exclusive room on Webkinz and I am angelfan9, remember to add me! Bye!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Get ready for the holidays!!!
Don't forget to pack your Webkinz up!
Tomorrow is (American)) thanksgiving, get your prize tomorrow!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Let it snow Webkinz World!
I also have the Snow Machine which I got from the Chihuahua and I love it! I sold it by mistake and I got one from trade with a yorkie! Whenever I wanted my pet to make it snow, I go to my Webkinz playroom and turn on the snow maker! I wanted it to snow all the time! Isn't that fun?
But the best about winter is making a snowmen! And drinkin hot chocolate, making gingerbread cookies and giving out cookies and milk to Santa on Christmas Eve! Don't worry, Spring will come back in March!
Bye and happy (Early) winter And the Webkinz, happy early winter!
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Webkinz Story: Pizza and Picture Day Chaprer 4: Pictures
"Uh oh! It is my turn! I'm scared, AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Sherbet screamed very loud!
Then after it was time for math!
contuined on Chapter 5
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Webkinz Story: Pizza and Picture Day: Chapter 3: Recess Detention
"NO WE ARE NICE!" Sherbet and Cupcake said! "You are not nice, not BFFS anymore!" Mr. Scruffy said! "Friends?" Cupcake said to Sherbet. "Say no Sherbet" Mr. Scruffy said! "No!" Sherbet said soft! "Good! I'm glad! Now I am going to call the police that you are not Sherbet's BFF anymore! And you will die!" Mr. Scruffy said! "We love detention!" "NO!" Sherbet said! "YES!" Mr. Scruffy said! "OK, you are nice, I am just bugging you!" Mr. Scruffy said! "You can line up!" "Yay!" Sherbet and Cupcake said!
to be contuined on Chapter 4
Friday, November 14, 2008
Webkinz on Vacation
Hollie hanging out with Elle and having a great tropical drink and snack! Hollie had a Kiwi Smoothie and a great fresh pineapple cake! Elle had tropical pizza and a fruit smoothie!
Ah, just back home from vacation! All that vacation fun made me sleepy and tired! I know that I had a fun day hanging out with my friends, getting souveniors, sending postcards and lots more! I went on an airplane to get home because from my city to Tropcial Island is like 2 hours and fun to stay for 2 days! Hope I come back on vacation soon and see more friends and get cool stuff too! It was fun getting out so somewhere new! More pictures will be posted soon!
Brittany (Oops, I mean Hollie!)
P.S. I got a snowmen today!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Not again!
Here are 2 pictures of my raccoon, Ricky!
And if you want to be in the fashion show on Webkinz, you need to ask permission from your mom or dad, that's how I come in the fashion show! But, where are the pants? And thanks to Rachel, one of the Blogspot bloggers who made a comment on I WON AT THE WEBKINZ STADIUM and I loved to recieve comments about my blog!
Have you been in the Webkinz Stadium show before?
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Webkinz Story: Pizza and Picture Day Chapter 2: Meet Sherbet
"Now now now! Be quiet because we have 5 annoucements this morning! We have a special Annoucer today, her name is, Cupcake!" Selena said on the annoucements! Cupcake did a gulp.
"Cupcake? Cupcake? CUPCAKE!?" Selena screamed in the annoucements. "Our first annoucement is about Picture Day! You need a BIG smile to take a picture, they will start at 11:15am and will end at lunch! The second annocement is about Pizza Day! I know you will enjoy your Pizza! The third annoucement is about the Library, it will close ALL day and tomorrow! My forth one is about trading on the compputer at school on KinzChat PLUS! They should NOT give out personal info, they must go to the KinzChat area! The last annoucement is about weapons and I saw people with REAL and TOY weapons, do NOT bring them, ok? Bye everyone!" Selena hanged up and Cupcake asked Mr. Scruffy and wrote Mr. Scruffy a little note!
Dear Mr. Scruffy,
How are we going to get our pictures? What pizza are we eating?
"Recess!" Mr. Scruffy Said!
Then Sherbet and Cupcake went to the office that Cupcake didn't go to annoucements today but oh well!
contuined on Chapter 3
Webkinz Story: Pizza and Picture Day Chapter 1: Cupcake's Bus
"Wakey Wakey!" her mom said. Cupcake woke up at 6am and went to her closet to find the "purrfect" outfit!
Cupcake just had to choose the right outfit, the spring fall, with the bunny ears!
Her mom sent her outside to wait for her bus. Then she met her friends, Fluffy, Selena, Jessica, Pinkers and Amy! Both of them have to wait 15 minutes or earlier for their bus to come pick them to school!
Then around 8:00, the bus came and the students hopped on the bus and can't wait for Pizza Day and Picture Day!
To be contuined on Chapter 2!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Watch this!
Stop at 1:02, it goes super fast! And do you hear the words Star Wars?
Sunday, November 2, 2008
I got 2 rare Series 3 Trading cards!
And, I didn't buy one pack at all, I bought 6 packs, still NO Magical Retriever!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Got my Crown of Wonder on Sunday!
I got this from Google, not Yahoo!
Congrats to me!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
NO WEBKINZ! DO NOT RETIRE THE HUSKY, cry cry cry! Just kidding! Thanks everyone but the Husky is NOT really retired!
My YouTube Page and Video!
If you don't like this, ask me to add another video, haha!
I hear the Word Toronto!
Brittany AKA WebkinzandMe
Sunday, October 19, 2008
WebkinzToday-A zingoz on a baby world globe toy
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 LOGO!
You may have to turn UP the volume to Accatly, if you don't know me, my name is Hannah until Yay!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Hershey has EARRINGS!
My BFF's Vanilla and Janessa!
Look at me! I don't have any earrings yet!
So, now, I have earrings!
From a dog who now has earrings!
Well, this may bee be the last post!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Goodnight, Amy!
Goodnight to you too!
Angelfan9 (Shh, don't tell Brittany, which is my real name that I took this picture and it is bright! THX, Amy the Chihuahua!)
Saturday, September 13, 2008
My YouTube Video!
My username on Youtube is WebkinzandMe!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Webkinz Room Design Contest COMING SOON!
1st place Undersea Porthole *RETIRED!*
2nd place Color Capstrophe W Tales Book
3rd place Wrinkled Pug Cake
Hope you enter!