"Now now now! Be quiet because we have 5 annoucements this morning! We have a special Annoucer today, her name is, Cupcake!" Selena said on the annoucements! Cupcake did a gulp. "Cupcake? Cupcake? CUPCAKE!?" Selena screamed in the annoucements. "Our first annoucement is about Picture Day! You need a BIG smile to take a picture, they will start at 11:15am and will end at lunch! The second annocement is about Pizza Day! I know you will enjoy your Pizza! The third annoucement is about the Library, it will close ALL day and tomorrow! My forth one is about trading on the compputer at school on KinzChat PLUS! They should NOT give out personal info, they must go to the KinzChat area! The last annoucement is about weapons and I saw people with REAL and TOY weapons, do NOT bring them, ok? Bye everyone!" Selena hanged up and Cupcake asked Mr. Scruffy and wrote Mr. Scruffy a little note!
Dear Mr. Scruffy,
How are we going to get our pictures? What pizza are we eating?

"Recess!" Mr. Scruffy Said!
Then Sherbet and Cupcake went to the office that Cupcake didn't go to annoucements today but oh well!
contuined on Chapter 3