Happ birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy bithday dear Ellen! Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to my Alley Cat Ellen,

and today she turns eight years old! Ellen and I just made up a contest called, "Which Webkinz is in the Box?" Is it the Alley Cat or Lion? Just leave me a comment for the answer. Don't forget your username so I can be your friend and I am givimg away 7 Webkinz Himlayan's Special Food and a Collie Lolly and a Charcoal Cat Roasted Mousemallows! Contest ends Friday at 7pm. Add me as Angelfan9. P.S. It means you won't get to win those food, it just gives you a chance! Bye! This is my first Webkinz blog! And on Webkinz, it is a winter background!! COOL!
~Angelfan9 and her Webkinz
P.S. I have 100 Webkinz.